Walking through Pain with the God of the Universe


There is no tragedy so great that God can’t work his triumph in it. When your hope of happily-ever-after gives way to a nightmare, you’ve got to find a different hope.

That’s what Corrie Napier does in Fierce Hope, as she tells her story with a sincerity that will touch your heart, vulnerability you’ll admire, and wisdom that will help you to find your own story of redemption when things go horribly wrong.

Wayne Jacobsen

Author of He Loves Me! and co-author of The Shack


In the heart of Shanghai, in a dimly lit apartment, I lay paralyzed on my couch in unbearable pain, the weight of my husband’s betrayal pressing down on me. Every moment was a replay of the heart-wrenching confrontation. The world outside continued its hustle, but for me, time had stopped.

I cried out to God, desperate for a way forward.

In the midst of the darkness, an unexpected symbol of hope appeared as I prayed, sparking a transformative three-year spiritual journey. During this time, I would experience many more of what I now call "11-11 moments," divine touchpoints of healing and closeness with my Creator where I sensed Him showing me how to move forward, inviting me to dream again, and do what I was created to do.

For those who have felt the sting of betrayal, the weight of life-altering changes, or the longing for divine connection, wondering “Where is God?,” this book is for you. Let’s embark on this journey together and discover the profound hope and purpose that awaits in the midst of pain.


Individuals Experiencing Paralyzing Pain: This narrative is a beacon of hope and guidance for individuals feeling lost or overwhelmed by betrayal, despair, or life-altering painful circumstances. It illustrates that with faith, prayer, community, and perseverance, healing and transformation are possible, even after profound hurt.

Spiritual Seekers: Those on a spiritual quest will resonate with my divine encounters. This book offers insights into how in the midst of pain, God is close, and one can deepen their connection with God. This book offers a glimpse into the miraculous and profound ways God communicates with us, providing a sense of wonder and hope.

People Questioning Their Faith and/or Seeking Personal Growth: Readers questioning their faith will find reassurance in my experiences, learning that voicing our doubt in prayer can lead to encounters and a deeper connection with God.

As a guide for personal transformation, this book gives insight to readers about how to reclaim and redefine their identity, discern their life’s purpose, and embark on a spiritual journey.